Important Forms and Information                                

New Illness Guidelines

The county and state have released new illness guidelines. The intent is to limit the potential for spreading harmful disease to others while preventing unnecessary or excessive absences that result in loss of educational and social opportunities.

California Department of Public Health-  Symptom Guidance   

California Department of Public Health- Guidance for K - 12 Schools


The California Department of Public Health will align with the CDC in its approach to COVID‑19 and other respiratory viruses. Changes went into effect May 22, 2024.  For recommendations, please reference the following CDC pages which are cited on the CDPH Respiratory Virus Page:

Letter to Parents 
en español
Frequently Asked Questions         
en español 
Information from "Shots for School" 

School Registration Forms

Oral Health Assessment       en español
Oral Health Assessment Waiver en español

Permission to Give Medication at School -Spanish

A nurse is shared between the Brentwood, Oakley and Liberty School Districts. She/He works with special education students with medical needs, trains and monitors staff who provide health related services and serves on the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

Diabetes Parent Info-7th grade Only

Type 2 Diabetes Parent Info     
en español

When do I keep my child home from school?

healthy for school
